Layers of a woman
Would you like to have a unique artwork of you and your multiple selves beautifully displayed on your wall?
One woman. Multiple Layers of personality. Multiple Hats.
We all wear them. All day. Every day. Layers of ourselves that we only share with us, layers of roles, responsibilities, layers of feelings, layers of emotions we do not show to the world…
My aim in this campaign is to capture the multiple hats of a woman. We are daughters, we are partners, we are lovers, we are mothers, we are business women, we are sexy, we are glamorous, we have hobbies, we are sporty, we are happy, we are sad, we are healthy, we are sick, we have many and different hats we wear all day, every day.

It is absolutely amazing to meet so many extraordinary, dashing women, with the most incredible stories to share, giving them a chance to inspire and be inspired by other like- minded women. I love to capture with my camera women of all ages, elegant, powerful women, women I admire and respect.
Fine art photography has become my passion and my craft and I want to share it with you.
Would you like to have a unique artwork of you and your multiple selves beautifully displayed on your wall?
A photo shoot experience culminating in a gallery-style exhibition and celebration of the layers of womanhood
With the best portraits of all layers, I want to create a single amazing image depicting the best of YOU with all your hats in one unique artwork, a composite which will be your wall art exhibited at the final celebration. This beautifully printed portrait as wall art will be my gift to you for being part of this campaign.
I think it would be just wonderful to see yourself as a woman of any age in all your beauty, YOU as an elegant, accomplished or glamorous woman, YOU captured in your business or hobby, YOU in your daily routine, YOU as a mother or partner, YOU as a sexy woman…whichever layers make YOU WHOLE as a WOMAN all in one image on your wall, wouldn’t it?
Join me on this adventure of identifying and capturing with my camera all your amazing layers and let’s create something extraordinary together!
You are invited to an extraordinary photo shoot experience culminating in a gallery-style exhibition and themed gala.

How much does it cost?
I’m offering the Layers of a woman special promotion package at €450 (initial value is over €1200). VAT not included.
The Layers of a woman portrait experience includes:
We will discuss all things regarding your photo session, all the layers we would to capture (we must have maximum 5) including the best wardrobe for all set ups. We will discuss all the details you need to know.
Fully guided 2 hour photo session
There is no need for you to know how to pose, I will guide you throughout the photo shoot, this is my job, yours is to enjoy yourself and have a marvellous experience before the magical portraits
Share this experience with someone you love
You can share this experience with your parents, your partner or your children (to define the family layer)
Access to an amazing selection of studio wardrobe
In my studio I have a wide selection of haute-couture dresses, lace dresses, silk fabrics, furs etc. You can try and be photographed in the ones you love (or bring your favourite outfits)
5 (five) fine art edited images of your choice (digitals)
Within 1-2 weeks after your photo session, you will get to see your beautiful portraits, choose the 5 images included in the package (one for each layer) and, of course, have the opportunity to purchase more images, if you choose to. What you purchase is entirely up to you.
1 fine art image, a composite with the best 5 layers of yourself as wall art
On top of the 5 fine art images you choose at the end, I will create a single image, a composite with the best 5 images of your layers, all in one amazing single image. This exceptional artwork will be printed on canvas and exhibited at the final event ( (you will also receive the high resolution digital)
Invitation for you and 1 girl friend to the final celebration a gallery-style exposition and themed gala where I will exhibit the final image beautifully printed as wall art.
We will be dashing, listen to good music, drink champagne, and admire the wonderful portraits of these amazing women and celebrate together the multiple layers of womanhood.
3 fine art images as a gift in a future session for you and your friend
Whenever you (or your friend who joins you at the event) decide to have your/her photos taken next @PhotoArt by Ralf, you/she will beneficiate of 3 fine art digital images each as a gift from me
A beautiful wallet signed by the most amazing brand Marie Nouvelle
The dreamy accessory is meant to compliment any outfit. All wallets are inspired by the paintings the artist creates, the wallet patterns introduce you into the magic realm of flower art style .
One night accommodation voucher in a boutique hotel in Marbella, Spain
For being part of this campaign, you will receive one night accommodation voucher in a very beautiful, elegant and cosy hotel, The Town House Marbella, Andalucia, Spain. When you want to visit the most amazing Marbella, book your free night at one of the most beautiful properties in Marbella, located in the heart of the Old Town, 2 min from the beach, surrounded by restaurants, bars and shops.
A personalized surprise gift
You will also receive a customized gift with your name (this is a surprise)
Vom discuta toate detaliile referitoare la sedinta foto, vom identifica ipostazele in care te voi fotografia si bineinteles vom stabili garderoba aferenta.
Nu este nevoie să știi să pozezi, te voi ghida pe tot parcursul ședinței foto, aceasta este treaba mea, a ta este să te distrezi și să ai o experiență minunată
Poti împărtăși această experiență cu cineva drag, partenerul sau copiii tai. (pentru a defini ipostaza de familie)
În studioul meu am o selecție ampla de rochii haute couture, rochii din dantelă, matasuri, blănuri etc. Bineinteles ca poti sa iti aduci orice tinute iti doresti
În termen de 1-2 săptămâni de la ședința foto, vei putea să-ți vezi portretele frumoase, vei alege cele 5 imagini incluse în pachet (una pentru fiecare ipostaza) și, bineînțeles, vei avea posibilitatea de a achiziționa mai multe imagini, dacă alegi sa faci asta.
Pe lângă cele 5 imagini digitale parte din pachet, vom alege alte 5 fotografii cu care voi crea o singură imagine, o compozitie fotografica cu cele mai bune ipostaze ale tale. Această lucrare de artă excepțională va fi tipărită pe canvas și expusă la evenimentul final vei primi și digitalul de înaltă rezoluție)
Ne vom bucura impreuna, vom asculta muzică bună, vom bea șampanie și vom admira portretele minunate ale acestor femei uimitoare și vom sărbători multiplele ipostaze ale feminității.
Ori de câte ori tu (sau prietena ta care ți se alătură la eveniment) decideți să vă faceți fotografii @ PhotoArt by Ralf, veți primi cadou 3 imagini digitale editate fine art cadou de la mine.
Accesoriul de vis este menit să complimenteze orice ținută. Toate portofelele sunt inspirate din picturile create de artista, designul te introduce pe taramul magic al stilului de artă florală.
Pentru ca faci parte din această campanie, vei primi un voucher de cazare pentru o noapte într-un hotel superb, The Town House Marbella, Andalucia, Spania. Când doresti să vizitezi minunata Marbella, rezerva-ti noaptea gratuită la una dintre cele mai frumoase proprietăți, situată în inima orașului vechi, la 2 minute de plajă, înconjurată de restaurante, baruri și magazine.
Vei primi și un cadou personalizat cu numele tau. ( surpriză)
The Layers Of a Woman campaign will be promoted so please agree to the following:
- A short description of each woman and her layers will be shared on my website and social media
- I will make videos & behind the scenes at the photo shoot
- The project will be promoted in media