Photo sessions
Photo sessions
I would like to invite you to join me on a unique experience in which we create art. I am passionate about creating fine art portraits that reflect the beauty and authenticity of every woman. Whether you choose a contemporary portrait, a glamour session, a personal branding session or an extraordinary moment with your child, each photo shoot is designed to highlight your beauty and create works of art that will be treasured for years to come. over there.
Frequently asked question
What is Fine art portraiture?
Fine art photography or artistic photography is a way for the photographer to express his vision as an artist. Fine art photography is more than a journalistic documentation of the subject, it s a painterly representation of a moment captured in time by using many of the elements and techniques identified in painting or sculpture.
What kind of photo shoots do you do?
I only do studio fine art portraiture photo shoots for women. I am specialized in Contemporary portraiture, Personal brand, Maternity, Mommy&me and Special projects.
How is the Contemporary portrait photo shoot?
The Contemporary Portrait photo shoots are especially for your soul. We will create photograpts that you will admire for a lifetime. Either in glam dresses or in bodysuits, I will focus to capture and highlight what you have most beautiful.
What is a Personal brand photo shoot?
Personal brand sessions are for those who need an image refresh in the professional environment. Whether you work in a company, you are an entrepreneur or have an online presence, your image matters. We will create business photos that best represent you for everything you need.
How are Maternity shoots?
Maternity shoots are for all future mothers, best period 28-32 weeks. We will create spectacular images that will convert into most valuable memories for your family over the years.
How are the Mommy&me photo sessions?
In the Mommy & Me sessions, I want to capture with my lens your unique connection and the immense love you mothers have for your children. We will create memories together that can last for years.
How are Boudoir shoots?
Fine Art Boudoir captures your sensuality in all her forms as seductive and tempting as possible without being vulgar or aggressive. It is the most beautiful gift you can give to yourself or your significant other.
What are Special Projects shoots?
The campaigns I run annually for and about women (eg Fabulous over 40 or Layers of a woman) are Special Projects. We also consider it a special project when you want a themed photo session (eg vintage look, fashion sessions, etc.). We discuss all the details in advance so that we can organize the session as well as possible
How much is the photo session?
The available packages by Ralf are always customized to meet your unique needs and desires Prices start from 350 EUR + VAT and depend on the type of photo shoot we do together and the number of products purchased. You can select not only digital products, but also physical products, such as premium quality prints and even wall art, paintings.
Do I need to bring outfits?
In PhotoArt by Ralf studio you will find a large wardrobe, in different sizes, the wardrobe that you can use to highlight your unique beauty. The wardrobe consists mainly of lace dresses, evening dresses, silks, furs and accessories.
For personal branding sessions, I do recommend you to bring a few outfits that represent you. Not sure what to choose? Do not worry! We will discuss all the details so that you can make the right choices. You will also receive a style guide to help you select outfits for the photo session
Why Photo Art by Ralf and not elsewhere?
A very good photographer will best capture what you need at the time of the photo session and guide you every step of the way so that they can create an extremely good product. My focus is on all women who love art and fine art photography, those who want a unique experience, those who want to see themselves in a different way, to capture their unique beauty and a part of their soul. Last but not least, I strive to offer every customer a great experience, not only quality products. My focus is always on you, on your needs and desires so that I can identify and highlight all that is most beautiful about you as much as my artist’s eye and talent allow me to do so. My attention is not limited to the photos, but also to the experience, to the way you feel when you arrive at the studio, to the chemistry we create to capture your best poses, as well as to the joy and surprise of the final products. If you resonate with the above, I look forward to meeting you anytime.
How does a photo session go and how long does it take?
When setting the date for the photo session, we discuss all the details you need to enjoy an unforgettable photo session. Even though makeup and styling are not included in the RALF packages, if you need help, I can assist you with recommendations. You will also receive a Styling Guide for ideas, outfit recommendations, what to bring with you, etc. See you on the big day.
How do I receive the photographs? Do I also get raws?
Fine art photography is not about raw materials. In addition, no photographer who respects their clients will offer raws, but products that have been minimally edited. You will always receive the products from the purchased package. For example, if you only purchase photos in digital format, you will receive them in jpg format, web resolution. If you opt for print and digital, then you receive the photos both printed and mounted on Italian passpartout, 100% quality, used in museum prints, but also in digital format, at print resolution. I do not offer the roughs, as they are in no way related to photography and the concept of Fine Art
What type of editing do you offer?
RALF personal branding packages include standard editing. The RALF packages for Contemporary Portrait, Maternity, Mommy&Me, Special Projects, etc. include advanced/fine art editing. Through advanced editing, these photos turn into true works of art.
If now I purchase one of the available packages but I want to purchase more photographs at a later date, is it possible?
Of course it is. I will keep your gallery for several months and you can come back to place an order whenever you want.
With contract and invoice or without?
With contract and invoice. From 1 Jan 2024 onwards, VAT is added to the rates for photo services displayed on the website or in the Pricing guide
EXCELLENT Based on 10 reviews Laura Cioc2023-09-22 Experienta mea la PhotoArt by Ralf a fost singura experienta fotografica pe care mi-as dori sa o repet! Raluca is the absolute BEST! As recomanda-o oricui! Nu imi place sa fiu pozata insa Raluca a facut ca totul a fost foarte placut, fara niciun stress. Pozele faurite de ea sunt singurele mele poze pe care le am in casa si chiar in format mare. Sunt pozele in care ma vad si eu FRUMOASA! Stiu deja ca voi mai ajunge in studioul ei pentru alte sesiuni foto. Sunt amintiri pentru tot restul vietii. Multumesc, draga mea Raluca! Laura Marin Kohlbaum2023-09-10 I am totally stiff and unnatural in photos and hence my puctures are never pretty. When I met Ralpf things completely turned around for me and the for the first time I am smiling at my one puctures. She is warm, professional, extremely talented, knew exactly how to make me enjoy the session and stay natural, she indeed painted a work of art from my portraits. I would never do my pictures somewhere else. Thank you Ralpf, looking forward to repeating the experience over and over again. Petruta Mitrache2023-09-09 Experienta mea la PhotoArt by Ralf in compania Raluca Alina Florescu a fost inedita, memorabila si deosebit de emotionanta, avand in vedere ca eu nu am avut contact cu acest mediu pana acum. Fotografiile artistice realizate de Alina sunt intr-adevar arta pura, au amprenta clara a artistei care gandeste si pregateste fiecare cadru cu minutiozitate si se adapteaza perfect fiecarui subiect cu sau fara experienta. Imi doresc sa pot participa la toate proiectele exceptionale lansate de PhotoArt by Ralf. ❤️ Nora Drulea2023-09-09 PhotoArt by Ralf... Când i-am descoperit campania, reclama fiind în limba engleză, am abordat-o în engelză. După ce ne-am bucurat de tot ceea ce aflasem una despre alta, ne prezentăm și constatăm că suntem amândouă românce. Amstabilit întâlnirea pentru ședința foto ... iar în momentul în care am pășit în micul ei studio am simțit că am sunt pe marile platouri de la Hollywood! Eu actriță în rol principal iar Alina regizor și scenarist. Frumusețea noastră a creat chimia, chimia dintre noi a creat armonia și de acolo a început povestea. O ședință foto cât un film de lung metraj! Pauzele cu savoare de prosecco ne inspirau cum să ne jucăm cu pălăriile, cu mărgelele, cu măștile și dantelele ... la un moment dat a fost CUT și apoi a urmat gala Fabulos after 40. Îi sunt recunoscătoare Alinei pentru viziunea ei inedită asupra persoanei mele! Sigur că Alina este așa cum au spus toate celelalte modele ... de fapt în fiecare din noi este o "Grace Kelly" însă numai unul e "Hitchcock", (Alina by Ralf)! Alina Burlacu2023-09-08 Locul unde profesionalismul Alinei va aduce la suprafața tot ce e mai frumos in tine. O experienta de regasire, bucurie si joacă pt clientii care trec ii trec pragul. Recomand cu incredere oricarei persoane care doreste sa isi ofere niste clipe de rasfat si de redescoperire de sine prin arta fotografică. Patrycja Piwko2023-09-08 It was amazing experience, I really enjoyed the photoshoot time! Very professional. The photos are so beautiful! Thank you! Daniela Saghin2023-09-08 Being photographed by Ralf was an incredible experience for me. To be completely honest, I typically dislike having my picture taken. However, with her true professionalism, Ralph provided me with the best photos I could ever hope for. She possesses a wealth of experience, kindness, and the ability to make you feel at ease in front of the camera, allowing it to capture your true essence and beauty. Catrinel Pana2023-09-01 Cele mai frumoase fotografii cu mine sunt realizate de Alina. Un fotograf exceptional, o experienta super si niste fotografii de poveste, tip opera de arta. Recomand! Alecsandra Ionita2022-04-22 I had the honour to be in @photoartbyralf studio and be photographed by her two times. The first photoshoot was a personal branding shoot which I absolutely adore and use the photos for press, and the second shoot was for a personal project. Both shootings were amazing and all details related to studio, attire, atmosphere were top notch. I highly recommend Raluca for her ability to capture the soul of a woman
Contact me today to discuss the photo shoot that best reflects your personality and aspirations. Every image tells a story, and I’m here to help you bring out your true beauty.

Layers of a woman
One woman. Multiple layers of personality. Multiple hats we wear day by day, every day. Layers that we only share with the world or only to ourselves…. How do you see yourself? I want to show you how beautiful you are in every layer of your life that represent and define you.